
Dorsten: 3226 Englisch Stufe B1/B2 Small Talk - No More Awkward Moments
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Englisch Stufe B1/B2 Small Talk - No More Awkward Moments

Online-Kurs - Kleingruppe
Do you often find that you cannot think of the word or words that you need to communicate your thoughts well in English. This course will help you to speak English better and more fluently. It will also teach you how to avoid those awkward moments “peinliche Momente” when you have forgotten the word you want. It will help you to become much more confident in speaking English.

Dr. Lyn Heiming
dienstags, 17.00 - 18.30 Uhr
ab 16.04.24
5, 10 Ustd.
44,50 EUR
Homepage der VHS Dorsten

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